F.A.Q. - Mom and Dad Are Always So Busy

Who is this book for? Four to nine-year-olds and their parents.

What’s unique about this book? It has a story for children that expresses what many children find hard to say and shows how the family finds practical solutions to how busy the family is. And it has a comprehensive guidance section for parents that offers practical advice about time and includes many important topics such as how children can feel they really matter to their parents and how to talk to them about their problems.

Is this book useful for anyone else? Parents, grandparents and professionals who advise parents.

What are the author’s qualifications?
Dr. Annye Rothenberg is a child/parent psychologist with more than 25 years’ experience working with typical young children (babies through 10-year-olds) and their parents – providing child-rearing guidance. She is, of course, a parent. She is also an adjunct clinical assistant professor of pediatrics at Stanford University School of Medicine in Palo Alto, CA.

How many pages, and is it paperback or hardcover?
It is a 48-page quality paperback book, 8x10”, colorfully illustrated by Bonnie Bright.

When was it first published?
Fall 2018.


Perfecting Parenting Press ©2019